Whether you have ACL surgery or a hip replacement, you will need some type of rehabilitation to assist in recovery. Rehabilitation will not only speed up the healing process, but it will also help you restore function and return to daily activities. At Spine & Sports Rehabilitation Pain Management, our pain management doctors on Long Island will tailor treatments to ensure long-term success after surgery. Continue reading to discover more about the importance of rehab after surgery.
What Is The Importance Of Rehab After Surgery?
After a surgical procedure, you likely feel the urge to return to your old routines. However, before you can return to business as usual, you will need some rehabilitation to regain your strength. With the help of your pain management doctors on Long Island, you will learn the safest way to return to activity and care for yourself after surgery. You will also learn exercises to strengthen your muscles and improve your movement where you had surgery.
All too often, patients feel that their healing is complete and try to fully return to their activities without taking proper precautions. This could delay the healing process and lead to re-injury. Here are some reasons why rehab is essential after surgery:
- Pain Management – Swelling and pain are normal parts of post-surgical healing. Rehabilitation can help reduce swelling, promote healing, and improve mobility, reducing overall pain. Therapeutic rehabilitation exercises can also help prevent your pain from becoming chronic.
- Reduced Scar Tissue Build Up – Scar tissue forms after surgery, and an excess build up of scar tissue can reduce your mobility and function long after your procedure. Our experts can perform various treatments to reduce scar tissue and help you return to normal flexibility.
- Improved Outcome – Rehabilitation is essential for improving your surgical outcome. Learning how to move better and improve your flexibility will translate to long-term healing and a more positive outcome for your procedure.
Contact Our Pain Management Doctors on Long Island
Rehabilitation goes a long way in returning patients to their normal activity levels after surgery. At Spine & Sports Pain Management Rehabilitation, our pain management doctors on Long Island offer advanced, state-of-the-art treatments to facilitate our patient’s recovery. To learn more about rehabilitation after surgery, be sure to contact us today and request an appointment!