The hamstring muscles include the semitendinosus, biceps femoris, and semimembranosus muscles. They make up the muscles behind the thigh and are used in activities that bear weight on the leg, including jumping, running, sprinting, and climbing. They are very prone to injury, often requiring treatment with physical therapy. If you are looking for physical therapy in Islandia, our staff at Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Pain Management is here to help. We offer services including physical rehabilitation, massage therapy, steroid injections, and trigger point therapy to help you recover.
There are some precautions you can take prior to working out to reduce your risk of a pulled hamstring. Below are tips to help you avoid a pulled hamstring:
If you are looking for physical therapy in Islandia, our team at Spine and Sports Rehabilitation and Pain Management is here to help you achieve your physical rehabilitation health and wellness. Contact us today to make an appointment with our team!