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National Stroke Awareness Month: How PT Can Help

National Stroke Awareness Month: How PT Can Help

  • Physical Therapy in Islandia

When a stroke occurs, parts of the brain can become damaged or dead, resulting in permanent brain damage or long-term disability. Therefore, getting the proper treatment after experiencing a stroke is essential to improve bodily functions. At Spine & Sports Rehabilitation Pain Management, we provide physical therapy in Islandia for patients who suffer from stroke disability. Our physical therapists work with patients to restore abilities such as movement, walking, and other functions.

What Happens When a Stroke Occurs?

When a stroke occurs, the blood flow to the brain becomes blocked, which causes brain cells to die due to the brain not getting enough oxygen. Since the brain controls the body’s movements and allows us to function, disability can result from a stroke. One type of stroke is an ischemic stroke. Blood clots or other particles, like fatty deposits, block blood vessels carrying blood to the brain during an ischemic stroke. The other type of stroke people experience is a hemorrhagic stroke. It occurs when a blood vessel bursts in the brain, leading to blood build-up and brain tissue damage.

How Physical Therapy Can Help 

Someone who doesn’t function as they used to before a stroke can benefit greatly from physical therapy in Islandia. Our physical therapists aim to have our patients become as independent as possible and get them moving and balancing on their own. Exercises are recommended and taught by our specialists for patients to carry out at our facility and to take home with them. The main goal of physical therapy for stroke survivors is to strengthen the muscles used for simple motor activities such as the following:

  • Walking.
  • Sitting down.
  • Standing up.
  • Lying down.
  • Switching from one movement to another.

Contact Physical Therapy in Islandia

A stroke can change a person’s life and how their body functions. Fortunately, physical therapy in Islandia can help rehabilitate stroke survivors and get them functioning well again. At Spine & Sports Rehabilitation Pain Management, our physical therapists work individually with patients and develop a personalized treatment plan for them. Contact our staff today to learn more about how physical therapy can benefit stroke survivors long term.