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Undeniable Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy

Undeniable Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy

  • trigger point therapy in Suffolk County

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy (TPT) is an alternative therapy used to treat myofascial or muscle tissue pain. Muscle pains and aches generally occur when a muscle is overused or continuously stressed. Overused or stressed muscles sometimes form contracted knots which are the source of pain and tightness, called trigger points.

What Causes Trigger Points

A trigger point is a point on the body where contracted muscles are locked into a tightened position and are unable to relax. Injured or stressed muscles and tissues causes trigger points to occur. Here are some of the ways this can happen:

  • Repetitive activities such as typing, overuse of cell phones and other handheld devices, gardening, etc
  • Carrying heavy objects for an extended period of time such as heavy lifting
  • Regularly poor posture due to an inactive lifestyle
  • High levels of stress for an extended period of time which causes tensed muscles
  • A direct injury such as a blow, strain, break, twist or tear
  • Lack of exercise and extended periods of time being inactive

Treatable Conditions using TPT

Our trigger point therapy in Suffolk County can be used to treat the following chronic pain conditions:

  • Headaches
  • Joint Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Muscle Pain

Additionally, trigger point therapy can be used to treat other conditions such as osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tinnitus, migraines, sciatica, and sports injuries. If you’re considering trigger point therapy in Suffolk County, contact us today for more information.

The Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy:

  • It’s a very safe procedure: Trigger point therapy is very safe, offering little tradeoffs such as slight tenderness at the site of injection.
  • Long-term pain relief: Trigger point therapy offers a long-term solution for chronic pain.
  • A brief course of treatment: The procedure is short, it only takes a few minutes to complete. It can restore mobility and flexibility which helps promote blood flow.
  • Loosen muscle groups: Trigger point therapy loosens muscle groups which in turns improves the overall progress of physical rehabilitation.

If you are looking to seek the benefits of trigger point therapy in Suffolk County, contact us today at Spine and Sports Rehabilitation and Pain Management to find out if TPI’s are the right course of treatment for you.